I have compiled a set of notes for Napoleon on St Helena. This list comprises historical figures, subjects and events that I found useful in developing my understanding of The Atlantic World of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Click on the relevant letter of the Alphabet or Search for a specific name. For information on the regiments search under ‘R’.
There are currently 4 names in this directory beginning with the letter P.
Captain, Polish Lancers. 1786-1849. Permitted to join Napoleon on St Helena as ADC. Previously served with Napoleon in the Russian campaign and went into exiled with him on Elba. He fell out with the Governor and was sent back to Europe after a year on the island.
Rear-Admiral, Robert. 1762-1834. Commander in Chief of the St Helena and Cape of Good Hope Naval Stations. Spoke French and Dutch. Lived at The Briars with the Balcombes and caused a scandal on St Helena by bringing a lady onto the island who was not his wife. Showed no sympathy for Napoleon.
Sir Home. 1762-1820. Joined the Royal Navy in 1778 after studying at Trinity College, Cambridge. Served aged 15 as an able-seaman in the American War of Independence but resigned his commission to engage in commercial voyages in the East Indies where his ship was seized for carrying contraband. Re-joined the Navy and became expert at in-shore operations. Was invited by Prime Minister Pitt to plan an attack on Venezuela but became involved in the attack on the Dutch colony at the Cape and the subsequent invasion of La Plata and Buenos Aires in 1806. Captured the Spanish gold fleet but remained at freedom after the surrender of British troops by remaining in Montevideo. Invented a signalling sysetn for the British Navy that was used at the Battle of Trafalgar. Ended his career as CinC, rhe Jamaica Station.