I have compiled a set of notes for Napoleon on St Helena. This list comprises historical figures, subjects and events that I found useful in developing my understanding of The Atlantic World of Napoleon Bonaparte.
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There is currently 1 name in this directory beginning with the letter U.
United Irishmen
formerly ‘the Defenders’. Founded in 1791 as a movement for political reform and to promote the rights of romn Caholics and Presbyterians. By 17989 at the start of ghe Frech Revolution, the Society had widespread support in Ireland from dissidents of all kinds. The Society’s leader was the radical ab deformer Wolf Tone who denounced Britsh interference in Irish affairs; demanded the reform of the Irish Parliament and the union of all religious faiths. When France declared war on Britain in 1793, the Society was outlawed as 15,000 French troops set sail for Cork. By the time of he Irish Rebellion on 1798, the Society had 280,000 members and thousands rose in revolt. In County Wexford a republic was declared and loyalist civilians were massacred by ‘the Defenders’. In August 1798, 1,000 French troops arrived in County Mayo but it was too late. Tone was captured before cutting his own throat and the rebellion was brutally suppressed.